Editorial Number Seven: These are a few more of my fav-o-rite things

Cleaning out the bookmark stable (yet again) and thought I'd share with you, the valued reader, a couple of the finer destinations in the armamentarium:
20th Century Castles. When I finally cash in on this crazy web-design thing you can bet me and the missus are takin' it underground. Zac, your search is over my friend.


LEGO Machine Gun. They can take my interconnectable building blocks when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers.


Boldly going where no man has thought to go before.

Boldly go where you want no man to know you've gone before.


Website the Man doesn't want you to see. Nanotechnology? Body modification? Ancient super-sophisticated civilizations destroyed by their own nuclear capabilities? A 3,600 year 'advancement/cleansing' cycle? The Dread Chupacabra? Corporate control of the mass media? All within!


You caw him Doc-toe Jones, doll!

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