Editorial Seventeen: These are a few more of my fav-o-rite things

Cleaning out the bookmark stable (again) and thought I'd share with you, the valued reader, a couple of the finer destinations in the armamentarium:

Star Wars Widows... An ugly danger all you fellas could (or do) face. Not looking forward to the day Weezy makes me choose between her and Princess Leia - gonna to be some heavy decision-makin' going down.

The fact that "Greece's Biggest Bookstore" is in no way affiliated with Amazon.com is really just lovely.

Have a smell of Panda droppings. This one is very fragrant."

I thought he had died when his stomach exploded after swallowing fizz-whizz and drinking pop (and then I remembered it was that Mikey 'Life' Cereal kid who punched his ticket and not lil' Arnold). Whew!

More figure variations and errors than you can shake a stick at. Demonstrates why collecting is (as Bobcock once said) "a wheel of pain, but a fun ride none the less"

Action! Adventure! Excitement! Geometry!

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