Editorial Twenty-One: These are a few more of my fav-o-rite things

Cleaning out the bookmark stable (again) and thought I'd share with you, the valued reader, a couple of the finer destinations in the armamentarium:
NASA site that tracks all the satellites currently in orbit. Big Brother has many eyes, my friend... Most impressive.

Behold the pen-and-ink adventures of Bungo and Rusti. Pure hilarity (I pronounce it the most whimsical jest of the season).

Find out if The Man owes you property and/or cash. After visiting this site you may never have to work again...

Power to the Precocious!

Engines that convert heat energy from ambient air into raw power Sign me up for the car that runs on nothing. Cost? A mere 75k (price you pay for never having to pump gas again, bubba - I call it cheap).

The final word in Shotgun Calling, right cheer.

Frog Bender 2000. Can you find a better use for Flash technology? I'm thinkin' not.

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