Editorial Twenty-Two: I Love It When a Plan Comes Together

Remember the scene towards the end of every A-Team episode where BA and the rest would construct some manner of armor-plated vehicle to take the bad guys by surprise? All Baracus needed was a torch, some duct tape and a little know-how. Well break out the torch, find the duct tape, and throw on some jewelry my friends, because Toshi Station is supplyin' the know-how. Scope it out:
High time you squeezed a little more "oomph" out of that Pentium III. Chalk up a couple hundred additional megahertz with this step-by-step guide (and if that doesn't cut it, visit the Overclockers Forum). Old school Pentium owners can click here.

You know you've always wanted one, but simply could not afford the slick, high-priced "official" and "safe" equipment. Now for a mere $20 bucks you too can harness the power of the X-Ray. Build your own X-Ray machine!

Do-It-Yourself Congressional Investigation Kit. Where is the money coming from and where is it going. You probably don't want to know...

Can't play those imports or "backup copies" of games on your Playstation? A $15 Mod Chip is the answer to your problems, chum.

A Sonotube Subwoofer is the dirt-cheap earth-quake machine the neighbors don't want you to have. Is there such a thing as too much bass? I think not. Also recommend www.speakerbuilding.com.

The ultimate DIY project: child birthing. I doubt even BA could have completed this one...

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