robot exit attack - now!

March 2001
March 30th 2001
Embark On an Epic Adventure
There's another (new) Final Fantasy trailer floating around. 5.35MB download right here. She's a better version than the one yer gonna find over at

Best Use of Flash. Ever.
How to Dance Properly (courtesy Zac, Dan, and Dustin). Pure hilarity. Priceless, even.

Actually, this Frank guy has some pretty great flash action goin' down at his site over yon:

March 26th 2001
Party Like It's Windows 1999
Last night we promoted the Station ?ber Computer to Windows 2000 and added more RAM. At $99 for a 256MB slab o' choice hickory-flavored PC133 RAM, you can?t afford not to buy a fist full.

Cooked a finger on the CPU heatsink whilst installing the RAM ? the astute may have taken this as an indication that something was amiss. Only after experiencing complications during hard drive formatting did we discover the CPU was producing "whirlwinds of tempestuous fire". Had that baby cranked up to (at least) 242 degrees. That important little fan astride the CPU heatsink wasn?t always turning on ? needed to be manually started like one of those old Spitfire propeller planes. Pulled the fan off and found a little sticker on the back that was baked/melted, which is always a good sign (that you nearly fried your precious).

The remainder of the install went fairly smoothly, due in no small part to the heroic efforts of Aeron ? to whom we owe much.

Speakin? of Windows, CNET has a sly little write-up on first impressions of the next OS, Windows XP (Beta 2). Here. Completely insane system requirements tucked up in there.

March 22nd 2001
Life Like Luke
More on that Gentle Giant 3-D scanning technology that is gonna revolutionize action figures. Right here.

Sure, it'll be cool when Han is the spitting image of Harrison Ford, but they're never going to recapture the charm of those featureless generic mugs atop the vintage figures, y'know?

Free Tacos

Auction is Over! Make Your Time!
Vital headwear.

March 15th 2001
Controversial Math
Speaking of DeCSS, some guy managed to strike the cosmic balance between art and technology with these instructions on how to decrypt a DVD - in haiku form. Nicely done.
March 14th 2001

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
A couple of MIT students have written a sly bit o' Perl script that will descramble CSS (Content Scrambling System) with a mere single line of code. Among other dastardly deeds, CSS is that most foul DVD encryption system preventing us from fast-forwarding through FBI warnings and enforcing region encoding. There has, naturally, been many other DeCSS releases - though none quite as abbreviated as this.

If you are anything like me, you took one look at that code and thought "Lordy! Now that would make for a sharp t-shirt!" - look no further: you are gonna be a babe magnet sportin' one of these...

"I can descramble CSS three lines of code."
"I can descramble CSS in two lines of code."
"I can descramble CSS in one line of code."
"...Mister, you descramble that CSS!"

Insider Information
The Station scored a gig with The Insider. Get the low-down right here, POV-style.

See, they install that TruCoat at the factory, there's nothin' we can do, but I'll talk to my boss.

"No good tower, I've gotta put her down..."
Cooked up an all-new Station Entrance - a spoony homage to the fighting forces of the 405. Chunked the old Entrance 
down into the Station Athenaeum, with the rest of the has-beens.

Into the Cellar
Archived the February '01 main page.

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