robot exit attack

Shocktober 2000:
October 30th 2000
Take the Pebble From My Hand
Test yer reflexes: right cheer. Addicting indeed. After about 30 attempts I found m'self In The Zone and got that bad boy down to 0.11. Aw yeah.

Keep the Change
The intro movie for the upcoming Evil Dead PC game has been posted: can you dig it? That page is bursting with Bruce Campbell goodness...

October 25th 2000
National Discount Brokers
Dustin recommended I call this number: 800-888-3999. I was in bad need of option "7", thas for sure.

Monkey Drink Master's Wine
Took in The Legend of Drunken Master (pt 2) over th' weekend at the local multiplex. May have to add Drunken Boxing to the Table o' Funk... Speakin' of the mighty Table, I hear tell (Matt) it was featured on TechTV's Internet Tonight program last week - for the second time. Nice.

October 16th 2000
Oooh. You Gonna Look Good, Man
Station resident Rohan has passed along this glorious .mov (containing one of the essential building blocks for quality programming). Gotta m'self get a starter kit...
October 13th 2000
not just another bum from the neighborhood
Training. I'm all Rocky (Rocky III, specifically) on this Lightwave 3D program. I've witnessed the might of Jeremy's kung-fu and know a calling when I see one. My Mick is Inside Lightwave by Dan Ablan. Some good readin', hombre.

Thus far I have, from complete scratch - using only the most explicit step-by-step instructions - rendered this stunning recreation of the USS Constitution (yes, the same mighty vessel commissioned in 1794 to help protect American merchant fleets from attacks by the Algerian pirates and harassment from British and French forces): behold!

The Table Gets Its Due
The Periodic Table o' Funk was featured recently in Steamtunnels Magazine (From Senior Editor Erin Dionne: "Steamtunnels is distributed to nearly 2 million college students a week as an insert in their school newspapers."). Scope the article: 

"L Silky is the funkiest chemistry professor you will ever find. I mean, c'mon, he wears a purple pinstripe suit. Silky speaks in jive as he goes through all the elements like T, the Mr. T element, or F, Bruce Lee's fist. Clicking on each element brings you to a small lesson on a crucial individual or item in 70s funk history that corresponds to the first letter of the element. When you're done going through the periodic table, return to the station entrance and explore some more. Ya dig?"

A slap on the back for Steve from ILM for the tip.

October 10th 2000
Welcome Back
A show o' hands for those who caught the E! True Hollywood Story thing about "Welcome Back, Kotter" last night. Only mildly interesting, true - though enough to lay a new Station entrance on you cats. Cripes - was there anyone on that show who didn't attempt a 'fro?

The Sanford and Son entrance has been pushed into the mighty Station Archive page, where you can visit all the Entrances of yore.

Micro-Drives, Macro-Cashola
First it was the Kodak DC 4800, then the Nikon Coolpix 880 - now I'm fingering the all-new Canon G1 as my prime digital camera suspect. Due to hit the shelves at the end of October. Sports a plethora of manual features (including manual focus), a swivel LCD screen, and accepts CompactFlash Type II (meaning one could, potentially, slap in one o' those snazzy IBM 1 gig micro-drives and be done with the whole storage issue). Oh yeah, bubba. If the later reviews are as positive as the early ones I've read - this is the camera. Check the official site. Isn't she a beauty?

Into the Cellar
Archived the September main page.

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