station updates, strangeness:
28 April 00
Wuzzup, Elian
It's the Flash movie the Associated Press doesn't want you to see. Viva la Revolution! Scope it out right here, gringo.
26 April 00
Wanna Live Forever?
Is it me or is that Starship Troopers: Roughnecks show on UPN every morning at 7:30 just the slickest cgi show on the small screen? Lordy I can't get enough of that Roughnecks stuff. Unexpected character development, explosions and gunplay o-plenty, cool lookin' aliens. Seems to have it all.

Some Things in Here Don't React Well with Bullets.
Caught that U-5714322a3etc movie over the weekend. It wasn't Hunt for Red October, but still a solid u-boat movie. Plus it co-starred The Bad Lieutenant, so you know it has to be decent.

To Protect and Serve
Station resident Joeseph points out a cinematic tour de force called Robocop vs. Jesus. Click here to download (5MB zip). Joeseph adds that it "may be a little over the line for some folks." Yes indeedy.

17 April 00
This Machine is Obsolete
Beheld the musical stylings of Trent Reznor and his Nine Inch Nails Friday night at the Palace of Auburn Hills (here in De-troit). Quite a show. Weezie and I were kickin' it in the bleeders about five rows from the last seat in the house. Scope out this picture I took during the show:

Ok, ok, it is actually an artists rendition of what the stage looked like from our vantage. I figured Reznor to be about 4 pixels high. He did have these cool giant triptych screens that displayed a nice college of imagery (mainly fire and water) - most effective during La Mer, The Great Below, and Closer.

Didn't find the show to be quite as visually stunning as the Downward Spiral tour several years back (on New Year's eve), though I did enjoy hearing the new material. They rowked.

14 April 00
What's the Buzz?
Station resident Tino pointed out this site that is hawkin' biblical action figures. Why not let JC have a crack at takin' out that COBRA stronghold?

Speaking of Jesus, GMFlash recently sent me this link that allows you to "jesus-ify" the website of your choice (not unlike the Mr. T version I posted about a week or two ago). I'm probably goin' to you-know-where just for linking those den of heathens. Funny tho.

11 April 00
Got around to writing a review of m'Phantom Menace bootleg VCD. Check it out.

Comedy Station
Rented many a DVD comedy over the weekend. Bear witness to my short reviews (as you like 'em)!

Mystery Men: S'good stuff. How can you not dig on that hero-audition scene? You'd have to be some kinda robot to not laugh at that material... 

Bowfinger: Clever idea. Got a little soft towards the end. Best scenes were in the previews.

Mallrats: Decent. The audio commentary on the DVD was much funnier than the movie itself. Those View Askew fellers got it all figured out. Makes me want to see Chasing Amy again.

07 April 00
Fame, Glory. All Mine.
I was just enough of a geek to whip off a quick email to (favorite Nintendo website of 9 out of 10 TStation webmasters - squeakin' in just ahead of the other day regarding their reviews of import games and BAM! letter posted. Thas right. Scope it out right here. It's the one that begins "Why, oh why". I'm thinkin' this makes me officially cool now. Please try and contain intense feelings of jealousy.
05 April 00
You Got That Right, Crazy Man
T-inate any website with this invaluable tool. Behold what the March URPs looked like under T's Command. A thanks to Ben for pointing this bad boy out.

Primitive Screw-Heads
Station resident Aaron (currently residing in Japan) found that the classic Army of Darkness over there is called "Captain Supermarket". Too, too funny. Royal wit Cheese.

The Earth is Not Moving
Exposing another grand lie perpetrated by The Man (for reasons my limited intellect can not begin to comprehend), or just tryin' to make a fast buck (talkin' crazy)? Tough call.

Archived URP's
Tossed the March material into the URP Archive page.