station updates, strangeness:
28 June 99
Viewer Mail
Cleaning out the inbox and ran across this enlightening bit o' mail:

From: Sarah Parker
Sent: Friday, April 16, 1999 3:20 PM
Subject: (no subject)

i wany ghu wa ckaca


I think that pretty much sums up what I like to call the "Toshi Station Experience".

25 June 99
El Pega De Jar Jar
This could very well be the most informative Star Wars-type article I have ever read:

The evidence is indeed overwhelming. If I had one of those puppies I'd never have to leave the house...

23 June 99
You need schooolin'...
At long last your Prof. Silky has added a new row to that Periodic Table o' Funk (far right side, young Grasshopper).

CHiPs - ep 614 Country Action
Watched what was perhaps the worst episode of CHiPs I have ever beheld. It was like a wicked car accident I couldn't stop myself from staring at... On top of atrocious scripting and bad storyline (with no subplot to speak of), this episode featured three of my least favorite things:

  • Jon's sixth season replacement Bobby "Hot Dog" Nelson.
  • Orangutan as both central character and comic relief.
  • Country music (including the hit "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys" not once, but twice).
18 June 99
Spending Spare Time Down on San Pablo Ave...
Say Chris, what does a man of action, a man addicted to danger, a rugged woodsman such as yourself do in his spare time, you ask? Scope the brand-spankin' new Point o' View.

Nee Jawa no badda
As those of you hip to the Station Vacation scene will know, I had been planning on writing a scathing editorial regarding the controversy surrounding one Hal Wamsley. Echo Station has, however, beaten me to the punch (and prolly did it better to boot). Check it out right cheer.

15 June 99
Die Toten
Dug threw a couple months-worth of the keywords folks have been using on the search engines to find this site. Some of the results were both mysterious and amusing:

death touch
disco lando
everybody was kung fu fighting
chest hair
gwyneth paltrow must die
dying to go home
die toten hosen
dark side of the web
star trek nudes
the big one

Is there actually a demand for star trek nudes? Say it ain't so...

11 June 99
Phone Home
Updated the mighty POV page with some heavy Sagan-esque Mojo*.

CHiPs - ep 502 Vagabonds
Classic episode this morning. Guest starred Ed 'The Abyss' Harris, who played head of a family of insurance scammers. Also involved an edge o' the seat "speed-mobile" race (one of those high-speed bicycles). Highlight of the show was the soundtrack for the race - went on forever - just glorious.

*use of word "mojo" courtesy Austin Powers

10 June 99
URP Pt.2
Judgin' by the email I got regarding this section I'm thinking I wasn't very clear in explaining how this new page fits into The Grand Scheme. Here is how it is goin' down: the old news page we all knew and loved is gone. I am sure many of you felt the great disturbance in the Force when I took 'er down. Site updates will now be posted here (along with other geek ramblings). The links to the Old Station Entrances now reside in the Archive section of the site. Any other links that were accessible off the dearly departed news page have been slapped on the main page (currently in text form until I get off my butt and make some buttons for 'em). Easy peasy, Japanesey.


9 June 99
Added Use Robot Punch to the Toshi Station line-up. The Master Plan is to update this baby purt-near every other day or so with changes that have been made to the site or whatever other mindlessness I can come up with (heavy on the mindlessness)... My apologies to those who are just lookin' to score site updates and are forced to wade through the drivel that will be posted here. You'll just have to suck it up, bub.