U s e   R o b o t   P u n c h
station updates, strangeness:
27 June 00
Hollywood Expo Exposition
Back from the big Hollywood Expo show, but still kickin' it freestyle here in sunny Dallas. The show was pretty damn cool. Spent most of the time with the Hasbro crew that was in attendance. Good people. Having dinner with the fella who designed the original 70's Falcon toy was, in my highly geekified opinion, plain cool. Also spent much time (driving around Texas) with ?ber collector Steve Sansweet. Steve is indeed the genuine article. Very entertaining.

Had a chance to behold the mighty writing talents of Adam Pawlus (of Rebelscum.com fame) over the weekend as well. Adam banged out a lengthy yet considered Expo update in about forty-five seconds flat. Impressive.

The whole week(end) was made possible by the gracious Philip Wise. Nobody changes a flat quite like Mr. Wise, I must say.

Whilst here I've been reading Fight Club by that Chuck Palahniuk guy. I can't get enough of his writing style. Wasn't planning on reading this one since I had seen the movie, but enjoyed Survivor: A Novel so much I figured I'd give 'er a go. Probably snag his third (and last) book Invisible Monsters before I leave.

I am Chris' Weak Excuse
Certainly a pathetic month for the updates here at the Station, eh? Well, we were some mighty busy hombres - what with vacations one week and Dallas the next. Ahm sloggin' out some righteous updating next month though. URP will be making her big debut on the main page (first drastic main page update since 1946). Big things afoot at the Circle T.

The House The Luke Built
Have you checked out that Jam Sandwhich site yet? It's what all the kids are talkin' about, yo. "Proudly mispelling "sandwich" since 1953" (and misspelling "mispelling" since 1956).

21 June 00
Grizzly Addams Family
Back from the vacation in scenic Cape Cod. Rained every night. Tent leaked. Fearless raccoons. Noisy kids. Too many Sprees. Not an entirely restful affair. Fun tho.

Whilst on the trip I read Survivor: A Novel by Chuck Palahniuk. Good stuff there. Chuck has got it figured out.

Next trip will be down to sunny Dallas this weekend for the big Hollywood Expo Show. Gonna hob-knob with the likes of Cancer Man, Ackbar, and Jaws. Should be a good good time. Fill you in when I get back. Also lay out the low down on Operation Thunder Table (not currently at liberty to discuss - highly classified, eyes only, too lazy to explain right now-type stuff).

"For Papillon Survival Was Not Enough... He Had to be Free"
Papillon was on again last night. Something about that movie draws me in every damn time. Yes, yes, Steve "Bullitt" McQueen is The Man, but the movie isn't that good - yet I, I can't... turn... the... channel... Those solitary confinement scenes really stretch the McQueen acting chops.

10 June 00
Put Down Your Pencils, Pass Your Papers Forward
Sanity Test: Happy to report I'm only 40% insane. Not too shabby. 

Geek Quiz: Snagged m'self a Geek Quotient of over 78. Made m'mumma proud.

Unintelligence Test: I'm 25% Un-Intelligent. Looking back I see where they slipped some tricky questions in there that I should have given more thought. Ah well. Never had much use fer no book learnin'.

08 June 00

Now You Are Playing With Power. Puh-Puh-Puh-Puh-Puh-Power
A sly new Station Entrance for those down with the Nintendo scene. Ahhh Punch Out. My thumb blisters up just thinkin' about that game. That damnable Bald Bull always cleaned my clock. Now there is a soundtrack I'd like to have on CD...

Welcome to Fight Club

Tossed the old Starsky and Hutch front page into the Reruns section.

I Look Like a Monkey, and I Smell Like One Too.
The hip know that mighty Use Robot Punch section of Toshi Station is now officially one year old (actually one year tomorrow). This will probably be the last month she's around. I plan on moving 'er out to the main page. Jest gotta find the time.

Holiday Road
All next week I'll be camping with Weezie and the shorties in scenic Cape Cod. Tents rock. Hotels are for squares.

Archived URP's
Tossed the May material into the URP Archive page.